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Week of 11 March 2014

Chicken Pox in the school - We have quite a few cases of chicken pox in the school. Because of your child’s possible exposure, the health department recommends that you watch your child for the signs and symptoms of the disease. High fever, fatigue, lack of appetite and being generally unwell.  This is quickly followed (usually within 24 hours) by the development of a red rash.  The rash usually appears on the chest and/or back first, later spreading to the face, scalp, arms and legs.
If you suspect your child is ill with chickenpox, please inform the school and keep your child home. Your child should remain out of school until all of the chickenpox lesions have crusted over (usually about 5 days).
Gulf Harbour School PTA Inaugural Meeting - tonight 11th March, 7.30pm in the Staffroom - Interested??? Come along and see why we need a PTA and the exciting fundraising ideas for 2014.
Parent Morning Tea - 12th March 9.00am. All welcome, come along and meet other parents in the school.  Enjoy a coffee and homebaking. Coffee group runs every fortnight on a Wednesday.
HPV Immunisations for Year 8 Girls - 18th March. Only those students who have returned the vaccination consent forms will be immunised.