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Week of 12 August 2014

13th August - Jar & bottle donation. This week we are requesting donations of a jar or bottle of something: eg. a bottle of soy sauce/sweet chilli sauce/wine, etc or a jar of jam, chutney, preserves, etc. Does not have to be food, bubble bath, liquid soaps, all greatly appreciated.  Please ensure the expiry dates are after December 2014.  One donation per family. Thank you for your support for our Gala on 1st November.
14th August - Red Nose Cupcakes for Sale inside the Stadium during morning tea time, $2.00 each.  All proceeds will go to Cure Kids raising money for children with cancer.
15th August - Class Photos will be taken from 9.00am.  Please ensure students are wearing the correct uniform and suitable footwear.
21st August Schoolwide Cross Country Shakespear Park - notices will be sent home later this week with details.
School Donations
We wish to clarify that an additional draw (Rainbows End Family pass) will be held at the end of this term for any parent who has paid their school donation ie. Terms 1,2 & 3. Our hope is those who have not yet paid will be encouraged to do so. The draw will be for all families who have paid their donation so far this year.