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Week of 20 August 2013

20th August - Japanese Students arrive from Ritsumeikan Moriyama, Japan for 3 weeks.
21st August - Photolife Class Photos will be taken.  Please ensure students are wearing correct Gulf Harbour School uniform - teal polo shirts and tidy footwear.
21st August - Gulf Harbour School Parent Morning Tea.  Staffroom 9.00 - 10.30am. Pre-schoolers welcome.
21st August - Playtime Coffee Group Room's 8 & 9, 9.00am - midday. $1/child + $1 donation/coffee. Run by volunteer local Mums. Sarah 021 0294 9801 or Rebecca 021 0239 2969 for further details.
23rd August - Wheels Day, skateboards and scooters only.  Students must wear helmets, knee and elbow pads optional.
We currently have a number of students who are away with either the flu (very high temperatures) or a tummy bug. Please ensure you keep your child home should they show any signs of being unwell.