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Week of 14 May 2013

16th May - Board of Trustees nominations close, 12 noon.
We need people to make a difference for our school. Step forward or encourage someone you know, to stand for election. A school Board is accountable for student progress and achievement to its parents and community. The Board has the overall responsibility for the school.  This includes legal obligations covering curriculum, property, personnel, finance, health and safety.
Trustees are active leaders in our school and need to work well in a team, ask challenging questions and have good communication skills. For further information check out: http://www.nzsta.org.nz/trustee-elections/what-is-a-trustee-/

17th May - Rooms 23, 27, 30 trip to Auckland Zoo.

Interested in following our progress with using mobile devices? We now have over 100 devices registered. Follow our blog here http://theipadpod.blogspot.co.nz

Remember to bring in your empty Colgate Cartons for the competition we hav entered, so we can win fabulous prizes for our school. Ask your neighbours, spread the word and get on board in helping our school.  For more information please visit the website http://colgatecartonrace.co.nz